Our Chickens


Our Coop

Hello, we live in San Francisco. Most city people don't raise chickens. We managed to, legally, and satisfy our bird's needs. Our coop (right) is where our bids live.
P.S. ignore the fence, we put it there to stop our birds from eating our newly planted crops until we put up protection.

Our Chickens

This is a picture of the four birds. They are all hens, but no eggs yet. (you can't have more than four birds or a rooster in San Francisco.)

Our Garden

We also have a garden. There are not any visible crops now, but you know it's winter. In the spring our garlic, onions, beans, spinich, and lettuce will come up. The buddha is just for decoration, we are not buddists. In the back we have a compost box, our chicken's favorite. In the back we have optimistic blueberries and some decoritive plants. We have two palm trees that are sort of cool. Later we covered all the beds except the the bottom left one. 
P.S. We also have a very nice lemon tree slightly to left of the picture.